Saturday, October 31, 2009

So Much...Pics will Suffice

...has been going on since it's been so long since I've blogged. I think I'll post a buncha pics to show WTF has been happening. Lesse, pics of the campus (a pink bike I covet) Mommers, Belwah, Williams trip & friends, views of my world on the way to work, and our backyard visitor.

Monday, October 5, 2009

All's Right...

...with my world. Hunny is back, not only in this hemisphere and continent, but HOME! In our house!! Lawd have mercy, it is good to have him home! Have I mentioned how much me and the kidz missed that man??? I picked him up at the airport, drove home, got some snacks and wine and proceeded to sit on the patio for an hour or two and enjoyed the weather and being together again.
Life truly is good.