Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Training Hike

So this morning I was trying to decide, am I going to work out with the girls or go hike? I really wanted to hike, trying to get more training in especially while it's coolish, but I usually hang with the girls. Since I couldn't decide, I packed both bags to be ready for either. That's when Chevy texted me and asked if I wanted to hike tonight. Decision made! I texted Lil Debbie and told her I was hiking and she could join, but she never replied.

I ran into Debbie later and she wasn't feeling so hot. She thought her BP was high but didn't want to have it checked, despite my urging. So, it worked out for the best, and Chevy and I hiked the big mountain at TBird. Was 3.69 miles, I was sweaty on the drive home. Was good, but now I'm wiped. Will just work out the rest of the week so my feet will be in good shape for the Picacho Peak hike on Saturday.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Catch Up, Yet Again

That's my truck down there, second vehicle on the right (red Tacoma) next to the shadow of the mountain. Only 1600 ft. elevation, looks higher to me ;)

Nice 2 mile solo hike at TBird tonight, enough to get me sweating and my knees feel tight. Going to see a Sports Medicine MD on Thursday.

OK, gotta get better at this posting stuff. Have been doing a lot of biking/hiking/working out at the FC. I'm excited and scared that I'm going to hike Picacho Peak and try to get to get to the top, this upcoming Saturday. Woot!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Catch Up, Part 1

So, here's the catch up post. I'm going to post my activities up to this point, and hope to post from here forward on a daily basis.


- 12/8/11 hiked Deem Hills with Mary TA, Chevy, Micheile, Dolly, and Michelle. Was only about 2 miles but it was beautiful day and hike.

- 1/9/12 Chevy and I hiked at Thunderbird, my first hiking there ever. Was 2+ miles, I was tired and LOVED it! Made me realize I could hike there by myself and feel safe.

- 1/15/12 Debbie, Nancy and I hiked TBird. Nice, easy hike with good friends

- 1/21/12 Debbie, Julie and Will W., their dog Argus and I hiked the big mountain at TBird. Was 4 miles, Julie's "pregnancy trail" and it were windy! Kicked our butts, in a good way, Debbie and I loved it!

- 1/22/12 Debbie, Hunny and I hiked TBird, same trail as with Nancy. Was very nice, my first hike with Hunny in a loooong time.

- 2/4/12 Hiked the Go Jon trail at Cave Creek Recreation Area with Chevy, Stacie and Linra. 6 miles of gorgeous trail that kicked my ass and I was totally proud of myself for this one!

- 2/11/12 Hunny and I hiked TBird, nice hike.

- 2/24/12 Hiked the big mountain at TBird with Chevy, Amy, Linra and Beth (?) We didn't start till 5:45 pm so was dark when we were coming down. Was a great hike!

I think I missed a few, but that will do for now.

Let's Try Something Different

I've decided I need to move my bod, try something different and not sit on my ass computing, watching TV, or reading all the live-long day. I sit on my ass at work most of the day and I cannot continue in my personal time too.

To that end, I've begun hiking and biking. It's exhilarating. I’m actually enjoying this new, athletic (gasp!) me, and my friends and partners in crime are enjoying it too. SO, this blog is going to be a new start as well, a document of the new path my journey is taking me on. Who knows where it might lead?

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

- JRR Tolkien